Monday, December 28, 2009
Andie the Christmas foster
Friday, December 18, 2009
New Stuff Soon, I Promise!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
8 Dogs are so peaceful
Friday, October 9, 2009
New Phoebe Pictures
Friday, September 25, 2009
Quest Videos
Quest is a little Weimaraner puppy that I am babysitting. He is looking for a home! He is a smart little fella and needs a home that will work his mind as well as his body. He would love to do agility!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Happy Anniversary Sam!

And here he is today! This is the letter he sent:
It's my one year anniversary in Calgary today; they have decided to keep me and get rid of the children. I am dependable and polite and always pleasant.....they are not. I win.
Sam the Dog
And from Sam's new Dad:
Sam is truly a wonderful boy; God may not have given him hearing, but he added a lot of extra personality and sweetness which makes him everybody's friend. We feel blessed to have him.
It doesn't get any better than that for me. To have a dog go from being an unwanted dog to one that is loved and cherished as part of a family makes everything worthwhile. A lot of people ask me why I do it. "Isn't that a lot of work? Isn't that a lot of poop to pick up? Don't you get tired of all the dirt and dog hair and accidents? Don't they drive you nuts? How do you train them all? What happens if they don't get adopted?." The answer is yes to all; yup, they drive me nuts, yup I get tired of the constant cleaning and not having a life outside of work and dogs sometimes. BUT, how could I ever turn my back and say no to a dog that just needs a little time and TLC to become the best friend of someone like Sam's family? I think so long as I have the ability to do the work, that is what I need to do. It's true that it is coming to an end (for now); I sure do hope there are others out there that will help pick up where I have left off and give these wonderful dogs a chance. And a big thank you to all of my wonderful friends who have helped me along this journey of saving dogs. Thank you for letting me bring strange dogs into your homes, allowing potential adopters to come and see dogs at your homes when I'm travelling all over the place, for your financial support and for your support of me and my efforts in general. I am truly blessed.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Here is a litle video of Phoebe shaping to get onto the balance disc. I'm cheating a little with a wee bit of luring but c'est la vie! Whatever works. Notice she is on leash, she still needs to have a leash on when we are doing stuff or she will run away. She has difficulty focusing and starts panicking over every little noise and has to go and check it out. (And forgets what we were doing in the meantime). I have also gone to using the generic box clicker instead of the iClick with her. The generic clicker has a louder sound, which still makes her spook a bit (but not so much she runs off).
Monday, September 14, 2009
And Nula has gone on a sleepover!
Wow, the house feels empty with two dogs gone all at once, I think I am in withdrawl. Hard to believe that is possible with ten dogs still here but there you have it! Cai is very happy now that Gibbs has gone, he can go back to being the big boy of the house. (Marty is really the big boy, but don't tell Cai, he thinks he's pretty tough). Luckily Quest the weimaraner puppy is keeping me busy so I haven't ventured to the shelter...... :)
And now for Phoebe. She is still looking for just the right placement. A home with another dog or two, and people who will enjoy her for who she is.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Gibbs in the kitchen
Here is a (very) short video of Gibbs in the kitchen showing off his "sit" and the thumbs up signal for "good boy!"
Monday, August 3, 2009
Gibbs Photos

Friday, July 31, 2009
No Dice
Advantages of having a deaf dog:
- They aren't bothered by thunderstorms
- you can sneak out of the house or sleep in without them noticing
- they watch you more closely than a hearing dog
- they're just so cute when they are asleep with their feet stuck up in the air!
- and many more.....
Nula says: "won't you give me a chance? I am house trained and trustworthy left in the house by myself. I like walks and don't pull on leash and I am so very loyal I lie near you all the time and will lie by whatever doorway you went through last so I don't miss you when you come back." On another note she has not had any seizures since she has been here the last two months. I would venture to guess that they were diet related (she is on a high quality grain free diet here) and/or stress related. This really is the perfect dog and I am genuinely surprised she is still here. She is the perfect dog for a first time owner. No vices, just a sweet and loving dog looking for a permanent home.
Phoebe is a happy girl. She really doesn't want to be snuggled, but just let her be and she is happy as a clam. She jumps up on the bed in the morning and runs around doing the happy dance. She does love to eat! I know she is work, but she so deserves the chance to be happy in a home of her own.

Monday, July 13, 2009
Gibbs goes up for adoption
I am keeping my fingers crossed for Gibbs for a great home for him. He deserves it, no living thing should ever be thrown out like garbage.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
A typical dog continued.....
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The story of a typical rescue dog named Gibbs
Monday, June 22, 2009
It's Official
I have taken on my last dog for rescue (heard that before anyone?!) before the move. I will still foster for the shelter or for another rescue group that might need me from now until I move, but I will no longer be taking in dogs that are my sole responsibility. The move is imminent, and I need to focus on getting the dogs that are here adopted before the house goes up for sale in November. It seems like a long way off, but it isn't. These dogs take time, money, and patience to be adoptable. Phoebe has been here since December, Trixie has been here for two years coming up September (not that she is going anywhere now anyway). And with two deaf dogs with special needs there will likely be a bit of a wait for them too. The vet fund has run dry and I can no longer supplement vet bills with my own income seeing as I need to make repairs to the house before selling (and eat too plus feed all these dogs).
I will still of course be posting here about the dogs I have up for adoption, and when they have found their places I'll post stuff about training my own dogs! Imagine that! :)
Thank you everyone for your generous support over the last ten years. It means so much, and I am blessed to have been a part of so many people's lives and to be given the opportunity to learn from so many dogs. For those of you that have adopted from me, your contract still stands and I will always want and take responsibility for any dog that I have placed that may find themselves needing back into rescue. Thank you everyone!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Departures and Arrivals
I headed out to Kamloops this last weekend to judge an agility trial. Lots happened, it was quite the jam packed weekend! First, Nula caught a ride up from Vancouver with Pacific Coastal airlines. Support these wonderful people if at all possible!!! They transport rescue dogs for free, can you believe it? What a wonderful company. So Nula arrived safe and sound (thank you again Claudine for picking her up from the airport and letting her hang with Steve for the day!) I will post Nula's picture in a bit, she had a wonderful photo taken by the event photographer that I am just waiting to get.Then, amongst judging and running dogs Sadie was adopted out to a young couple that had filled in their application the week before (networking is great stuff!). The home visit was done and off they went with little Sadie the sheltie. And THEN, the kamloops agility folks (5 star dog training and the bow wow sisterhood) had an agility tunnel and baskets raffle and raised a WHOPPING $680 for this rescue!!!! What an amazing group of individuals. And our good friend Chris of Contact Zone Pet supplies arrived with car magnets that say "I support Rescue" as a fundraiser for me too! Totally unexpected, the support is overwhelming and I am eternally grateful (as will be the vet clinic when I arrive tomorrow with a pot 'o cash to put down on the bill!)
Dogs adopted: 2
Dogs in: 2
2 dogs in? Yes, it is deaf dog week folks! This as yet nameless fellow is due to arrive next week. He arrived on the doorstep of some kind folks who live northwest of here. About 2 years old and deaf, no one is looking for him and unfortunately he arrived at a place where apparently people often dump their unwanted pets. I also had a request from the Burnaby SPCA to take on a deaf male bc/aussie mix that unfortunately I had to say no to since I already have Nula and this guy. Please spread the word, the burnaby SPCA has a deaf BC/Aussie that needs a home as well as a very cute little red cattle dog.
Phoebe has some stories to tell too, but I will let her show you her stuff at a later date. ;)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Nepsa goes for a sleepover!
I'll be posting Sadie the sheltie on petfinder soon, so if anyone has been holding back and humming and hawing about her, now's the time! :) Once she came back from her spay she decided that this was the place to be and is now barking and hanging out with the crowd. She has lost a lot of her shyness over the last week. It is time now for her to find her place.
Phoebe? Well, what can I say about Phoebe. She is who she is!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Phoebe and Nepsa go to school
Phoebe is also going to puppy class. She is doing a lot better than I thought she would. Hotdogs it would seem is the trick with her. It is almost worth getting over all the scary noises at the training centre for a piece of hotdog. She really doesn't do anything that she is supposed to, but I am just really happy that she will take treats and try to do anything at all. She has regressed again (ten steps back for one forward!). I have had to put her back on leash and let her drag it around the house. A big part of it I think is Ernest and Sadie. I haven't had as much time to work with her the last few weeks and it shows. If I don't keep making her do things she slides. She is back to being freaked out and biting me (alternated with her happy dance, jumping on the couch, and trying to stick her head in my plate).
Sadie the sheltie is officially ready for adoption. She gets spayed next week and after that she is good to go to her new home. I am looking for a retired person for her, someone who is home a lot, is quiet, patient, and wants a dog that isn't especially motivated to do much. Walking her reminds me of walking our old collie when I was a kid. Our collie (Tammy) had to stop and sniff every blade of grass and there was no budging her until she moved onto the next blade of grass. Very slow walking, and that is pretty much what Sadie does too. I am happy to say she has found her sheltie bark when things are happenin' in the house, and her eyes light up a little and her tail wags when it is time to eat. She is also eating in my presence which is wonderful. That was a hard won battle that one, but thankfully eleven other dogs trying to dive into your bowl makes a great motivator for eating!
Ernest had his pedi-neuter yesterday. He was quiet for all of an hour yesterday when I picked him up. He is back to his puppy self! Back to the shelter on Tuesday for adoption.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Tick Tock, Tick Tock....
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Interested in Ernest?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009
New Arrivals

Saturday, April 4, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Phoebe learns a trick
Sunday, March 15, 2009
A fun weekend for all

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Phoebe figured out the couch!
Gin the SPCA foster dog is doing really well. She has worked out the majority of her issues around resource gaurding and is doing fabulous with all the dogs in the house. She is crate trained nicely now and is showing me who she really is. She is a very soft little dog, if you raise your voice at all (Like Sobe get OFF the counter!) she hides in a corner. She is a very loyal little thing and likes to lie next to me wherever I am. With some confidence building she is going to be a fantastic little dog.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Anything for Salami
Nepsa is doing some pretty interesting behaviours these days. I had her out for her second big run in the bush on Saturday. We came across some strange dogs (which is unusual, we rarely see anyone out there which is why I go there). She was on the attack before they could even sniff her butt. A large fight ensued unfortunately, malamutes don't take kindly to obnoxious little aussies that think the best offence is a good defence. And of course I had her on the long line so she wasn't easy to get and when I did get her the mals were sure I was holding her in place just for them. I have fitted her with a gentle leader and I am taking her to the training centre to sit in the foyer and receive treats while people come and go to class tonight and see what exactly I am dealing with. She has improved tremendously in the house here and is now able to be out with all of the dogs all the time. Her gaurding is still present but has significantly diminished. She starts her basic obedience class next week so I need to work on this new development pronto!
On another note, I have THE cutest little six month old border collie here being fostered and assessed for the PG SPCA. She is lovely, a nice little submissive peeing baby who likes to grovel at your feet. She does have resource gaurding issues that I am trying to sort out at the moment but is a lovely and very athletic dog. I'd show you pictures, but I dropped my camera and broke it! Very frustrating.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
We Did It!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Home again and other news
The trip home was uneventful thankfully. We had a great visit with friends in Kamloops and picked up an extra foster dog to bring home. This is one that has been in the works for some time so I was glad to make the extra trip out to get her. She is a lovely little puppy, six months old and full of puppy beans. She is a deaf australian shepherd with a natural bob tail that wiggles constantly. She's a very smart little character, loves all people and is doing pretty well with the dogs. She is a bit of a pushy princess and has limited dog socializing so she is in the process of learning her manners (you have to love Mollie for all her teeth and snarliness she does a great job of teaching the deaf dogs body language!). Meet Nepsa (at six months she is just a little bit bigger than Sobe so around 17" and 30#)
I will try and get some better pictures of her soon. She does settle in the house pretty nicely once she's had some exercise and worked out the wiggles.
Phoebe made the trip really well, she did great in Kamloops. She didn't regress at all and even was able to come up to me while I was sitting in a chair and take some kibbles when the other dogs were away. I was very pleased with that, sometimes you have to start all over in a new place. Not that she didn't have her same issues for sure, but she was much better than I anticipated. Now that we are home here and I have gone back to work she has regressed a little. The way my small house is set up she can't come into the living room without being cornered. And now that I am back to my usual crazy schedule I'm not sitting down very much either. So my plan is to get her back on leash and show her the hidey places in the living room and see if we can't get some improvement there. I am also going to attempt to put a harness on her. I need to be able to pick her up soon so she can go for truck rides and get more socializing. Poor baby is way too small to be able to jump into the truck even if she wanted to! So that will be a good motivator for me to get at it. It is time, I think she can handle it enough to get over her fear.
Toque has regressed as well. She slipped on the ice first thing when we got home. Plus I have all tile in my house so the floors are slippy. She is not using the bad leg nearly as much as I would like. I do have carpet downstairs so we are going down there for physio but there is no way she can go for her ten minute walks outside with all the ice. I am taking her to the dog training centre so she can do walks and physio on the rubber floor a few times a week (plus she feels like she is doing something). She is allowed to do circles and figure eights this week so we are practicing our rally exercises. :)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
A few more successes and an interesting development
I have also started feeding her in the kitchen. This last week she has been running out to the kitchen to watch the other dogs eat and then running back into her kennel. Back and forth like a little rocket. Day before yesterday she stole a couple of kibbles out of Heidi's dish while she was waiting to be released so that was my sign that she was ready. I put her bowl down first and then had all the other dogs sit and wait in front of their bowls as usual. She ate a few kibbles out of her bowl, especially while the other dogs were eating but was intimidated by all the commotion and kept running away a few steps from her bowl. In the end Marty ate her supper while she watched so we'll see how things go tonight! I doubt she will let that happen again.
She has also been on her first couple of leash walks outside of the yard. After triple checking that there was no way that collar could come off we went for a walk down the street a couple of blocks. Lots of fish on the line business. She is petrified but seems to have a natural understanding to stay close to me and not pull on the leash which is nice (since none of mine are properly leash trained!).
The interesting development is related to her developing some pretty serious 'tude. She has started guarding her kennel, growling and barking at the dogs if they get close to it and also growling at me when I give her straight on eye contact while she is in there. I noticed this behaviour starting a couple of weeks ago but never did anything about it (stupid me). It is now transferring out of the crate, she runs up barking when I let the other dogs out of their crates and when they are playing she is becoming the fun police. She runs out barking and huffing and scratching the carpet with her back legs and then runs away like the big chicken she is. She has started to really "yo b*#ch" me but she isn't really sure what she is doing.
In light of this I have taken the crate away from the den where we spend most of our time and put it in the bedroom next to me. That way she can't bark to be let out in the morning (I don't let her out but I have been listening to it every morning for about an hour before she gives up for the last couple of weeks) and there is no crate to guard during the day. I need to hustle up and get her really wanting the treats that I have in order to start establishing some rules around the crate, some impulse control etc. It is impossible to do crate games and impulse control exercises when she runs away and won't take the food. I can see that this is one little dog that could very easily become an absolute terror and rule the roost given the opportunity.
On a lighter note she has started taking toys and chewing on them (and my socks) which is great. Hopefully we will be able to build on that in the coming months as well.
I have not started working on picking her up. I am still working on petting her and getting her comfortable with that first. She flinches every time you touch her, so until she stops flinching at my touch I will not push the bigger handling moves.
That's it for now! Toque is doing well, she is putting her foot down now and will weight bear a tiny bit at least enough for me to get her physio done. Yay! Poor baby is going a little stir crazy. I've taken to putting agility videos on TV to keep her entertained, she loves to watch dogs on TV. :)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Pretty Girl
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Dorky pictures etc.
More soup Mother Theresa?