Sadie the sheltie is coming along. She has settled in well and is coming out to check out all the goings on. She is comfortable enough to drink water in my presence and is taking treats out of my hand today. Even better, she had her first trip to the training centre and enjoyed watching rally-o from the sidelines while receiving treats from myself, Barb, and Pat. She likes to take treats from the safety of my lap but is not so keen on taking anything when she has four on the floor. More because people are leaning over her than anything else I think. She really is clearly uncomfortable in the presence of people but is a sweet and gentle soul that wants to trust. She will come around, already she is making improvements. I'll pull out the clicker in a couple of days and start hand feeding her meals and work on getting some behaviours with her. She is coming in and out of the house nicely and is beautifully house trained. She has a little spring in her step today that is very cute, and she likes to go for truck rides! She jumped right up and was happy to go. :) Here she is yesterday (unimpressed that Cai is up her bum. She has been excellent with all the dogs, she isn't ready to play yet but she likes to see what they are up to).
Ernest is doing much better both physically and mentally. He needs to get out into the big world now and do some major socializing. He had trouble with people approaching his crate in class today, some disconcerting growling coming from the crate. Poor fella is so afraid people might hurt him that he pees himself and growls at the same time. Luckily he is so young that it should be easily fixed, I'll get everyone that goes by his kennel to throw in a treat or two so he learns to associate people approaching him in a confined space with yummy treats. He loves food! He is coming along great with his puppy training. He learned to wave in two sessions of five pieces of food. He's starting to figure out the whole shaping thing. I also had him up on the big wobbly ball today, he got right up there all by himself! He was pretty proud if he does say so himself. That will help him a lot with his muscle tone.
Phoebe is pretty hilarious. There is no way she is letting Ernest get treats and not her, so we have been doing dual no mugging exercises (essentially a leave it command but without the command, it is doggie self control). It is good for Ernest too, he can't bolt for the cookies in my hand while I am feeding Phoebe, they both have to back off of the food in order to receive their prize. She seems to be in better spirits today and is back to her usual nosy self.
I did not take a picture of Nepsa yesterday....she is filthy! Covered from top to bottom in mud. It has been raining the last two days and the puppies love to rip it up in the yard, wrestling and generally having a good time. The only one that likes to stay out of the dirt is Sobe. Heidi, Nepsa and Jorja are dirt monkeys! Good times had by all, lots of floor cleaning for me!
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