Sunday, January 3, 2010

Winter fun with dogs, redneck style!

I got the opportunity to go out sledding with my family the other day. Remembering as a kid how I hated dragging the sled back up the hill I thought, hey! I have dogs, I have a sledding harness, I'm an adult, I can get one of the dogs to pull the sled up for me! Well that worked great, but even better on a day when the hill has been freshly covered with snow and is a little "slow" for good sledding? Get the dog to pull you DOWN the hill!!

Exhibit A: My niece Rhyanna is the first victim to test out this new theory. I will be paying for massage therapy for the next twenty years for her whiplash injuries I think!

Exhibit B: Liam my nephew hangs on for dear life after seeing the ride his sister got!

Exhibit C: Okay, so Cai can pull the little ones pretty easily, but what about my big brother Dave???

It was a great day and we had a lot of fun! I'm sad to report that Cai was not in the least bit tired the little brat, he was still chucking toys in my lap a couple hours later! I think I had better get a little more serious about my quest for a dog sled, that was really a lot of fun!


Anonymous said...

Hi Shannon, what great videos. I know it is a lot of fun. I do the same thing in the winter with my gang. They keep us supplied with firewood all winter too. Be careful though, it is addictive just like agility. Oh be the way, I have plans for a great little light weight dog sled. Peggy

Anonymous said...

What great fun Shannon!
We used to do the same here in LLJ with our Newf and the Tervs. I also had them pull me on my bicycle and rollerblades !! Thank goodness for crash helmets..LOL. Yvonne your Southern Redneck friend...or should that be cousin ??!!

Anonymous said...

It was great fun, and I can see how it would be addictive! Peggy send on the plans, we need a sled! And Yvonne, definitely cousin, especially since you're from the south!!

Anonymous said...

Instead of a dog sled, try a scandinavian kicksled (with snow runners on it). It is much cheaper and lighter, and hey who needs brakes?


Anonymous said...

Hi guys, my homemade sled is a Canadian Kicksled, a northern version of the Norwegian Kicksled as seen on "Black Ice Sledding Equipment" website. It was easy to build. I used cast off cross country skis for runners and scrap lumber. I use a bungie for a bridle as a shock absorber. Mine doesn't fold up like the ones advertised but I love it and it is on it's fifth season. Just added new skis this year after much use.Brake????? haven't got that far....just use my heel dug in the snow. Works good for my dogs but if you have really fast dogs, could be hard on the

Anonymous said...

Forgot my name ...the last message about the homemade Canadian Kicksled. From Peggy