Success at last! Cai received his Agility Trial Champion of Canada title this weekend on a nice masters standard course designed by our friend Rob. I saved the course and if I can figure out how to make the printer scan it and send it I'll attach it to the post for you all. In the meantime, Cai is celebrating by napping on the kitchen floor and other such important duties. Cai is just shy of his seventh birthday, and for those of you who know Cai, getting the Atchc title is a thing of beauty with such a high drive, pushy and nutty little fellow. ;)
A picture to mark the event.......

My new goal is to get poor Toque out of starters! Preferably before Jorja, although they are neck and neck with the starters standard Q's the two of them. Jorja may be inexperienced but she is just a wee bit easier to run!

Congrats to Cai and Shannon.
Now if only his sister could get her ATCH !!
Go Toque Go !
Your redneck cuz!
Ha ha! Cai says, it may have taken me seven years, but I still beat my sister!!! Neener neener.
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