Thursday, December 11, 2008

Simple Progress

I am happy to report that we have succeeded in our goals. I am now able to clip the leash on and off Shiloh while she is in her crate without being bitten. I did get her on my lap with some struggle and some snapping. I think she is learning that I am more persistent than she is! She is now coming in and going out the door with me standing at the door (going out is the double whammy of lino and evil person so I still have to hold the leash). She is also scratching at the back door to come in! Yay! Yesterday she ventured out of the crate with the other dogs around. She still bolts back when I look at her though. Simple steps.

1 comment:

Shedd Border Collie Rescue said...

I recently have been working with a border collie Spencer that sounds similar to Shiloh. It took four days just to touch him. After three months he still dashes through door ways, but has claimed the easy chair in the living room as a "safe place". I'm enjoying your progress. Good luck. Vicki Pearce.