Sunday, December 14, 2008

The name poll

For some reason this little foster girl is not speaking to me and letting me know her name. So here's the shortened list, have a look at her picture (below) and let me know your choice! :) She is about the size of a pomeranian or small sheltie.


Okcowgirlz said...

Hi Sharon
Dawn in Vernon here.
My vote is definitely Tilly.
I am really enjoying the ongoing tales of Miss Shy.....ooops. Miss Tilly.

Okcowgirlz said...

But............I forgot to say. My first choice would be Skyler.......ok, i know that wasn't a choice.........just

Silk said...

She looks like a little snob...with that blue choice would be "blue" or "china", but from your list i would pick "Tilly"
You have so much patience with these poor poochs, good luck
Merritt, BC

Anonymous said...

Yep, I'm for Tilly too.
What a unique face, how 'bout Demi?
Shedd OR

Anonymous said...

i'm all about the "Phoebe" - i know too many tilly's says BC to me.
hugh has ruled out Wasabi to replace "pennie" (which i hate!) but i'm not through lobbying yet.
she's doing very well - better than frankie was when he first came to stay - looks to the other dogs an my interaction for *support* a lot of the time. and doesn't flee contact but doesn't enjoy it either.
i am dying to wipe up her eye boogers. but must restrain myself a little longer. she does a pretty good job herself.
sheena found a great foster for don juan and i might have someone on the island for one of the other boys soon.
kim and the gang

Anonymous said...

From your list I would pick Tilly, but I think she should go by "Spike." That would boost her self confidence and hone her image.

jdeakin said...

Sami took one look and said this no nonsense little girl is not a Tilly or a Dot; she is a Xena, as in Xena, the Warrior princess.....

but then, Sami has been helping the kids play a lot of video games since it has hit -25 and none of them want to go outside.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a Mitzi to me.

Anonymous said...

On second thought, since she came from Othello Washington, she should be named Desdimona...Mona for short. Hmmm. I feel a Rolling Stones song coming on!