Saturday, September 13, 2008

Tile floors and other things

I really love tile. No, I mean really. Except for the grout, if they made tile with no dirty grout someone would be a millionaire. Why do I love tile? Because when Trixie the geriatric dog is incontinent you just wipe it up and carry on with your day. Poor dog peed herself while eating her turkey neck. I can see how that might be exciting I suppose.
Jake went to his new home this week. So did Moo. Back to back dog adoptions has made for a tough week in the emotional end of things, but I am so glad for them both. I can't wait to hear how they are doing in their new homes. They both deserve so much more than life has delivered them so far.
Sam has an adoption pending too! He gets to meet with his potential new family this coming weekend. I will be posting some video of the boy for them soon as I can peel myself away from work (should be Monday).
Heidi got her chance to see the opthalmologist today. She has trouble dilating her pupils but is otherwise totally normal thus far. Hooray! I guess she will have trouble in bright sunlight (which I already knew) and there is still risk of glaucoma and cataracts as she matures, but as it stands she isn't too bad, no major deficits. They do want her to return each year to keep an "eye" on things. :) Now if they just had travelling BAER testing I'd be set! Alas, to washington we go at a later date....
Tomorrow is exam day for a course I am taking for work, so I am off to study. I am looking forward to doing the Paws4acause walk for the spca afterwards, Marty and Trixie will be showing off their SPCA greatness to the public!

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