Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Ever Wonder What it Costs to Feed 12 dogs?

105 chicken backs (1 case per week) $25
35 pounds of hamburger $32
Veggies $10
2 cartons yogurt $4
2 dozen eggs $7
84 vitamin E capsules $7
84 salmon oil capsules $8
42 Evening Primrose capsules $5
1/2 jar kelp/alfalfa $7.50
Total per week (not including individual supplements like recovery or thyroid support, training treats, cookies, etc.) $105.50.
That is well over $400 a month just in food, never mind training, toys, vet bills and all the other little expenses here and there (like a nice grooming).
Having dogs in my life? Priceless! (Sorry, couldn't help myself!)
Any donations of any of the above items are very gratefully accepted. The dogs also eat orijen or go natural kibble a few meals a week so they are happy in their new homes eating either diet.

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