Friday, May 30, 2008

I'm very proud..

Of our graduates and the wonderful things their owners have done with their dogs.

Red, Roode, Rouge gets her ATChC!! Jennifer has done wonderfully with this little girl. She came to me after having been through multiple homes. She bit a child and was a smart smart dog that was seriously misunderstood. In the right home and with the right amount of aussie knowledge, lots of hard work, and a brain kept busy this is rescue at its best. Thanks Jen!!

Here's Bud. Seized from an abusive situation by animal control in the lower mainland, this is one of the sweetest and coolest cattle dogs I've ever met. He has his very own ring of equipment in his 80 acre back yard. :)

I got the pool set up recently. The dogs are so excited they leapt in there with all of a couple inches of water. They refused to get out! Mollie is as always gurading the ladder (this is mine, this is mine and this is mine, bug off! She is the fun police) Oh yes and they ate the box...

Meanwhile back at the ranch..........

Jake spends his days "collecting." I will be enrolling him in a support group for cleptomaniacs soon!

Jake says.....who me? No I'm innocent! Mollie did it, really!

Okay, so maybe I just touched this one...

..back off lady, I worked hard for these!!!

Darcy has been adopted, hurray! She had a great time at the airport and arrived safe and sound in Vancouver.

Up for adoption at this time is:





Saturday, May 10, 2008

Darcy has an adoption pending!

Darcy is a lucky girl and is going to be living every dogs' dream...thank you Charmaine! Here are some videos of the once rowdy girl learning her lessons. She has settled down a LOT and is no longer leaping up to grab my ponytail but is actually consciously showing restraint. It is sure neat to see these dogs go from obnoxious to willing participant. Big thanks to NorCal for saving this girl and seeing past her flunked temperment test!

Warning! Graphic picture....

Look closely! Yes!! That is POO hanging off her collar. I had to get the camera, I was laughing so hard! Disgusting baby!

On a happier note, Jake LOVES the vacuum....he runs from crate to crate in the house so he can leap out and attack!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Ever Wonder What it Costs to Feed 12 dogs?

105 chicken backs (1 case per week) $25
35 pounds of hamburger $32
Veggies $10
2 cartons yogurt $4
2 dozen eggs $7
84 vitamin E capsules $7
84 salmon oil capsules $8
42 Evening Primrose capsules $5
1/2 jar kelp/alfalfa $7.50
Total per week (not including individual supplements like recovery or thyroid support, training treats, cookies, etc.) $105.50.
That is well over $400 a month just in food, never mind training, toys, vet bills and all the other little expenses here and there (like a nice grooming).
Having dogs in my life? Priceless! (Sorry, couldn't help myself!)
Any donations of any of the above items are very gratefully accepted. The dogs also eat orijen or go natural kibble a few meals a week so they are happy in their new homes eating either diet.