Sunday, March 16, 2008

What is it about Murphy's law...

that dictates that whenever your house is at its dirtiest that people *always* come over unannounced? No one ever comes over the day I clean and everything is perfect for those few blissful hours. I will not grant you with pictures this time, some things should just be left up to the imagination (unless you are my mom who got to see the most recent disaster). Needless to say the dogs discovered the stuffing inside the dog beds this week, Mollie ate a box of Fruit loops (like she needs any more sugar) leaving bits of box everywhere, the dishes were not washed, Jorja jumped on the coffee table and spewed all the nicely folded laundry everywhere, Mollie (in her pursuit of the fruit loop box) knocked over the flowers on the kitchen table, and well, there is always the tumbleweeds of dog hair that I take full responsibility for. Today my house is clean, the laundry is put away, the dogs have had a good run and all is quiet. I can bank on no one knocking on my door today.....

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Sounds familiar!!!! Neat blog.