Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sadie Shows her Silly Side

Okay, so I'm not the best cinematographer there ever was. Or even the most mediocre, but I think you'll get the idea. Yesterday the sun appeared in my kitchen (miracles!) and Sadie went beserk. I didn't catch it on camera at the time (I was too busy laughing at her to be honest, and saving her from the other dogs biting her for being weird), but I have recreated the event with the flashlight. Here she is in all her glory.....

She also wanted to show you her sits and downs. We practiced recalls today, she knows her name really well and comes when called when there aren't distractions. Since we all know the world is full of distractions this is a big work in progress. She is wary of being "caught" even though she comes when called. Random collar grabbing is next on the agenda. Despite her quirks with other dogs I'm really beginning to like this girl. She has finally learned to respect/ignore Mollie thank goodness.

Bob did some fun and exciting things today too, but we'll save that for tomorrow. ;)

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